Fandeliers give you the best of both worlds

Sometimes when you ask yourself do you get a ceiling fan or a chandelier for a particular room, the answer should most definitely be, “Yes!”  In the last decade, a new type of ceiling fixture has emerged called a fandelier.  An amazing cross between a gorgeous chandelier and a functional ceiling fan, Fandeliers continue to gain popularity year after year.



Close your eyes a moment and think of an elegant dining room setting in your home.  In addition to the beautifully displayed place settings and masterful centerpiece, what’s hanging from the ceiling above your table?  Just about all of us immediately think of a gorgeous, glistening chandelier that captivates us as the center of attention as soon as we enter the room.

Next, think of the dog days of summer when even the air conditioning seems to be straining against the elements.  Air movement, if not an actual breeze, would be a welcomed addition to your dining space but you’ve got your gorgeous chandelier above the table… should you swap it out for the summer?

Nope.  Over the last decade a new, hybrid ceiling fixture has evolved to solve both of your issues.  With an integrated ceiling fan and beautiful chandelier fused together, the fandelier (also called a Fan D’Lier or a chandelier ceiling fan) fuses the best of a chandelier (creating ambient lighting for your room as well as a visual focal point) with the best of a ceiling fan (creating multi-speed airflow for your guests) in one compact package.

Quoizel’s Fandeliers are crafted to be an amazing addition to your kitchen, living room, dining room or bedroom – anywhere that you could use a ceiling fan and chandelier.  With dimmable lighting and 3-speed fan operation, you can change the mood and feel of your room literally at the touch of a button.

What makes Quoizel’s Fandeliers unique is the compelling style that the artisans have baked into each design.  Whether you are outfitting your traditional home with the perfect “it’s coffee o’clock” breakfast room fandelier or adorning your modern minimalist reading nook with an LED fandelier masterpiece, Quoizel has the perfect design for you.